Monday, November 23, 2009

Testing the Shallow Waters

Be honest, have you ever met a guy or girl that completely blew your mind but somehow you didn't notice how they were dressed? For instance, you meet someone and every time you see that person he or she is always in a uniform of some sort IE. work, military, school etc. That person has all the potential to be your soul mate but he or she has one problem. No sense of style. This is really shallow and I bet the "right" thing to say would be, "Well its what's on the inside that counts." But come on lets be honest, people will excuse all good qualities of a person because of the lack of physical attraction. It is true that in the beginning of most relationships there may have been some kind of physical attraction between the two involved, but what about those relationships that develop without the initial attraction to one another? I have found myself overlooking a guy who could have been the "one" all because he had on a basketball jersey, Gerbeau Jeans, and Sketchers. Is the way a person dress good grounds for partner selection? Is that being shallow? Guys, you know you do it all the time. You see a girl wearing a long denim skirt and penny loafers, but you chase the girl in the Bebe dress and stilettos. Whose to say you have a better compatibility with a person who dresses better? I have come across some pretty well dressed jerks, both guys and girls. I brought this up because a friend asked me whether she should go out with this guy because she was afraid I would make fun of her for having feelings for him. (He's not exactly an expert when it comes to fashion) but that shouldn't matter, and you shouldn't look for approval from somebody if you want to pursue something or someone. I know this has happened to someone other than myself...Just ask yourself, "What really attracts me to someone?"Am I shallow?


  1. How someone dresses shouldn't be a huge factor, but in reality it is. If you want to present your self as a professional, you dress professionally. In that same sense if you want to be perceived as attractive, you dress attractively. It makes sense.

  2. Understandable. I saw an episode of divorce court where the woman divorced her husband because he stopped dressing up. To the judge that was reasonable grounds for divorce and I'm like whoa

  3. love all GIANT's from the inside. dress is appropriate and at a certain time u should know that if you bad enough to approach a girl, then come correct.

  4. Like that is bad to judge people off the way they look or dress but at the same time you need to have some sort of physical attraction toward someone. If you like a guy and he's not up to your standards apperance wise then you can always mold him into the man you want him to be.
