Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Date Should Not Be an Interview

A new popular television program has got the dating world in a doozy. What Chili Wants has got women and even men setting an almost unreal standard for a partner. If you have tuned in for the show recently, you would have witnessed Chili going on a series of dates and finding flaws in all of them. Now, I don't criticize her for having standards, but I think when you create an "ideal guy" you will turn more people away who don't have those qualities and end up lonely because no one meets your "criteria." Think about it, you create this person with all the right qualities, mind you no one is perfect, not even you nor I, then you go on a soul search to find this earth Jesus type of guy and never find him, Wanna know why? He doesn't exist. Not saying there isn't a man or woman that if perfect for you, but if you set aside the small changeable flaws and focus on the traits that compliment you both as a couple, your love life will be more successful. If you can't find happiness in anyone that you date, take some time and evaluate yourself and make sure you are not the problem. Word from the wise: Look for someone equal as you. If you set a standard too high for yourself you could be chasing that person whose out of your league.

Got Sol?

I'm always intrigued by young entrepreneurs; it says a lot about your character that you can start your own business and make it successful, have supporters, and do it all before the age of 21. I used to see people wearing clothes by the name of Sol and I never knew who or where it came from. Then I did some research and found a guy named Necho, Founder of Sol clothing. Born in Queens, New York, with a Jamaican background, this young designer started his line at age 17 along with his partner Calvin Lee. Necho or "Neek" traveled back and fourth from South Florida to Baltimore with his clothing line giving both places a taste of cool California and B- boy swag. He tells me he started promoting himself by passing around shirts and I must say it must have worked because a good amount of people in Baltimore, where he currently resides, are hip to this new urban clothing line. He currently is selling his merchandise by cartel and you can find him on both Facebook and Twitter for more details.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Fashion is for Curves

Ok, so the event is over, but the party has yet to begin! Iconography will release its 5th and Thickest issue to date this February 28th 2010. Make sure to go to and check out this month's issue. Be sure to check out the previous issues of the magazine and follow trending topics with Iconography on Twitter.

Friday, December 4, 2009

It's the principle

This is soo funny

I want to express to you that the real reason this little boy went off like that was not because he was hungry but because something he felt was rightfully his was taken from him. I want to point out that a pack of Ramen noodles cost roughly about 10 cents a pack so he could have easily bought another one and that as you look around the house you can see flat screen TVs and computers so I'm guessing these people are not poor. It was just hilarious to watch this little boy lose control the way he did. He has probably had things taken from him in the past as to why he is so protective of something with such little value. To be about 15 or 16-years old he sure does know how to cuss. Its funny but its a sad story as you gain several meanings from it.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Breakroom

I work about eight hours, three days a week at Kohl's. On the sales floor you have to become this programmed machine to smile and say hi to every customer, drop everything that you are doing and do exactly what the customer asks you to do, and you do not carry on with your previous task until you know your customer is completely satisfied. Oh, and you have to look happy the whole time you are doing it, regardless if the customer is polite or irate. While the associates act like they enjoy doing this on a regular basis, they express their true feelings in the break room. The break room has no boundaries for self expression. I learned a lot about my co workers sitting in the break room listening to everyone complain and socialize. Once you open the break room door, that machine is turned off and the real fun happens. I learned why one of my coworkers never walks down tight aisles; she has panic attacks. A woman wanted her to climb a latter to retrieve a bath towel about ten feet up in a small aisle. Another one of my co workers eats food right off the tables, no plates or napkins but he bugs people about sanitizing their hands at the registers after touching all the money. I've learned new curse words from listening to the rants and raves in the break room. What really amazes me is how fast the personalities change once you step in and out of the breakroom. I look forward to my breaks more than I do my paycheck, and that's a shame.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Testing the Shallow Waters

Be honest, have you ever met a guy or girl that completely blew your mind but somehow you didn't notice how they were dressed? For instance, you meet someone and every time you see that person he or she is always in a uniform of some sort IE. work, military, school etc. That person has all the potential to be your soul mate but he or she has one problem. No sense of style. This is really shallow and I bet the "right" thing to say would be, "Well its what's on the inside that counts." But come on lets be honest, people will excuse all good qualities of a person because of the lack of physical attraction. It is true that in the beginning of most relationships there may have been some kind of physical attraction between the two involved, but what about those relationships that develop without the initial attraction to one another? I have found myself overlooking a guy who could have been the "one" all because he had on a basketball jersey, Gerbeau Jeans, and Sketchers. Is the way a person dress good grounds for partner selection? Is that being shallow? Guys, you know you do it all the time. You see a girl wearing a long denim skirt and penny loafers, but you chase the girl in the Bebe dress and stilettos. Whose to say you have a better compatibility with a person who dresses better? I have come across some pretty well dressed jerks, both guys and girls. I brought this up because a friend asked me whether she should go out with this guy because she was afraid I would make fun of her for having feelings for him. (He's not exactly an expert when it comes to fashion) but that shouldn't matter, and you shouldn't look for approval from somebody if you want to pursue something or someone. I know this has happened to someone other than myself...Just ask yourself, "What really attracts me to someone?"Am I shallow?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Can We Just Move On? Ok, so here's the situation, A few friends and I were having a conversation a couple days ago when one of them said,"I bet you will find more pretty lightskinned women than you would darkskinned." I said to myself, "This guy cannot possibly be that ignorant." But hey, everybody's entitled to their own opinion right? My thing is, I personally believe that no complexion is better than the other, but what do you think? It's a topic that seems to never get old while generation after generation all have the same thing to say. I asked a few random guys what they considered beauty and some of the responses were, "long hair and pretty eyes" another said, "clear skin and a nice body." My favorite was, "Having a brilliant mind and being in touch with self and nature." Not once did I hear someone mention skin tone but that doesn't mean people don't take that into consideration. For instance, dark women who process their hair believe that makes them more attractive. It has been taught to believe that harder or kinky hair is not beautiful. There is now a Cliche' that having hair like that "makes you look like a slave." Offensive, but it is taken very seriously in the African American community. Some dark women prefer lighter men because they are afraid their children will turn out darker than them. Men sometimes prefer lighter women because it often seems "exotic", especially if she's mixed. Growing up I used to hear people say all the time that I was pretty to be a "dark skinned girl" as if it were like Haley's comet to actually see a dark attractive female. But that's the way society has been conditioned; lighter is better and black is only beautiful if your hair is long and straight like a European. It's the War of the Skin Tones, which one will prevail? What about those in between skin tones? Where do they fall in this battle? Tell me what you think. I honestly want to know.